A life scenario that literally never crossed my mind. Mind boggling really. But here we are! How many months in and just beginning to show our faces to the world again?
As crazy, weird, and honestly, saddening, this time has been, I’ve tried hard to find the silver lining in the every day. Like slow mornings with my littles, extra time with daddy during the week, or some spare time to work on my interests (like TBA!). I could list many more and it’s this all together slower lifestyle that I’ve both become accustomed to and am so grateful for.
As we’ve navigated our way through this year, we’ve all had to pivot. Get creative in our every day lives, while many businesses are merely trying to survive. So when Kina Wicks, a Chicago photographer, put out an offer on Insta for Porch Sessions, I didn’t hesitate to reach out. And in all honesty, one of the best decisions I’ve made during quarantine.
Short and sweet, the session was fun and uplifting. It felt good to do my hair and get dressed up, if even for a short while. And I know I’ll forever be grateful for these captured moments. Two-toned hair and all.

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