Knight. Party of 5!


Apparently things were getting a little stale around here, so we thought we’d throw another little in the mix. Just kidding guys, just kidding.

But as surprised as you may be, no one was as shocked as the hubby and I were to find out we were expecting. With our youngest being under a year old, another baby wasn’t even remotely on the horizon. But as I mentioned in the beginning of the year, when you have one plan God has another. And we could not be more excited for this plan that’s in place for our family.

Adding a third mini to our crew means a lot of of different things. Having three kiddos ‘3 and under’ will be crazy, exhausting, intense, but worth it all. I can only hope that the three siblings will be best of friends and as hard as these first years could/probably will be, I know we can handle it. With bags under our eyes and smiles on our faces!

To all of our family and friends, whom we spilled the beans to quite early…thank you for all of your love and support. As overwhelmed as we may have first felt, your endless words of excitement and encouragement have helped us along more than you know. And we could not feel more blessed to bring another child into this loving family we get to call ours.

So here’s to our crazy year ahead and god willing, the little bundle of joy we’ll be holding in our arms come August!

Side note, I have to give the biggest shoutout to Melissa and team at A Little Photo Studio for our pregnancy announcement. We’ve worked with this studio for over three years now, with every milestone of our two children documented through their lenses. They took these announcement photos at Kenni’s one year session (more to come!), which was kind of a disaster. Kenni was a complete mess but their crew could not have been more understanding. They exuded the patience of saints and I still vow to get them some type of foodie repayment!

Anywho, Melissa created the announcement you see above. To be honest, when I asked her about getting an announcement photo, I was expecting nothing but that. Simply a photo. But per usual, Melissa went above and beyond to create this beautiful layout from a vision I just didn’t quite see as she explained it to me. Tears trickled down my prego cheeks as I opened her e-mail to see our two biggest blessings peering into a crib holding the future of our family. I blame the hormones but it’s a moment I’ll never forget. And I love that we’ll have this priceless moment to forever look back on. So, thank you Melissa and squad for capturing some of the most special years of our children’s young lives. Moments in time that I know my hubby and I will look back on for the rest of our days!


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