Cameron Katherine

August 14, 2019.

A day I most certainly will never forget. Because it was the day our little Cami made an unexpected and speedy entrance into this world. The day our family of five was complete. And the day I truly learned to appreciate the saying “it takes a village.”

Without getting into any of the (gory) details, we were completely caught off guard when I started having contractions early Wednesday morning. After having a weekly checkup just that Monday with zero progress, we scheduled an induction for the following week (I would be over 39 weeks by then) and kind of settled in for the last days before Baby Knight #3 arrived. But we should have known better, right?

By late morning my husband was dropping me off at Triage, while he scurried back home with the kids to meet a sitter we called over at the last minute. And through all of this, our parents were alerted of the unexpected chain of events. My mother in law hopped in her car, my father in law hopped on a plane, and my mom booked a ticket on the next flight out.

Fast forward less than two hours later, the hubby thankfully made it back to the hospital. And shortly thereafter, without an epidural (which was NOT in ANY of the plans, guys!), our little Cami made her debut. Right into my arms and forever changing our little family.

But the biggest takeaway from the absolute chaos that was last Wednesday (aside from a healthy baby girl)? The blessings that are family and friends. A babysitter. Then the next door neighbor. And both sets of parents (none of which live in Illinois, mind you). All came to our rescue that day without question. Very literally handing off our two littles throughout the day so the hubs could be at the hospital with me. So to say that we’re lucky would be an understatement and a simple “thank you” will just never be enough.

Now that I’ve had time to process the events of that day and all that went into it, I don’t know if I’ve ever been filled with so much gratitude for the people in our lives. Yes, our “tribe” was there for both of the previous two babies. But this time around was just different. The (sudden) travel, the tag teaming, the utter selflessness. Just truly filled my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. And it has all made this time that much more special.

For the last week, our family has been navigating our new normal. The days have been fun, carefree, exhausting, messy, and all of the above ten times over. But watching the love and chaos that is our household makes it all worth it. And I so look forward to watching this crazy group of kiddos grow up together.

Anywho, all of this is just a good excuse to share some photos captured in the hospital by Bella Photography when Cami was just one day old. I’ll never be able to resist squishy baby pictures and I’m so glad we have these moments to remember forever.

I’m not sure when you’ll hear from me next, but I swear I’m alive and well. Just trying to figure out this #momlife with our new family of five. Cheers, guys!


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