To be honest, I’m not really sure how I feel about this year. On one hand, we were overjoyed to welcome our second little to the family. But on the other, this year brought a lot of trials and tribulations. A lot of heart ache and pain that I’m happy to leave behind. But I’ll get to that in a moment.
As I mentioned, we began this year with a bang. Fairly fast and furious, our sweet little Kendall Tyler made us a family of four at the end of February. And the minute she entered this world, our family changed forever. From a pretty laid back family of three, everything became a little bit faster and little bit blurrier. In the best of ways, of course.
We spent a lot of the time approaching her birth worrying about how adding a little one could/would alter the family dynamic and how her big brother would take to the new baby. But, as many would tell us, it really is hard to imagine our lives without our little fireball crawling around. And I think her big brother would say the same. As a parent, there’s really nothing more you could want than for siblings to get along and love each other. And although there have been moments, we’ve been lucky to watch our two littles grow up and grow together. Out of the corner of our eyes, we’ll watch our son give random hugs and kisses to his sister or hand her toys when he thinks she needs one. And we’ll never be accused of leaving “baby Kenni” behind, because her big brother makes sure she’s included wherever we go.
As if a new baby wasn’t a big enough change, it was also our sons turn to start preschool. I’ll admit that I was the one not ready for this monumental step, but my son most definitely was. He has genuinely loved going to preschool twice a week and as bittersweet as it was, I again could not feel more lucky. He has so much fun in the short time he’s there and as the year has progressed, we’ve watched him blossom. (A lot) more talkative, (a lot) louder, and a little more ornery, but man, I wouldn’t change it for anything. He’s slowly becoming a little person with his own opinions and feelings and it’s the most fun thing to witness. It’s amazing what one year will do your child, isn’t it?

But although this year for my little family was one of excited anticipation and growth, it was also a very tough year for my extended family on all sides. From (unexpected) debilitating health issues to the unfortunate passings of several of our older generations, this year felt like it would never end. And when it did, it may very well take everyone I know and love with it.
I vividly remember a time period earlier this year when I would get weekly phone calls from my parents bearing news about another relative. Another health problem. Another accident. Another hospital patient. It literally felt never-ending. And living so far from all of my family has never been more painful. Or made me feel so incredibly helpless.
But as I head into this New Year, I am grateful for that all I’ve been blessed with. Hopeful that my family will come out of this year stronger and better than ever. And eager to see what this new beginning has in store. Because I’ve learned that when I have one plan, God has another. And I’m anxiously awaiting to see the story unfold.
So whether you’re ready to usher out 2018 or it’s a bittersweet ending (I still can’t decide), I hope you’re excited. Because we must all agree that the New Year brings with it feelings of optimism and fresh starts. An anxious excitement for what’s to come. And I can’t wait to see what’s in store for myself and everyone around me.
Happy New Year, my friends!
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